Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to Working Smart Works!!!

I haven't seen many news articles lately where some HR person put a gun to an applicant's head and forced them to take a job. Most people take a shower, brush their teeth, put on their best "interview" suit or dress, shine their shoes, pick up a leather portfolio (with a great interview pen inside), and print off a couple copies of that professionally scripted resume. Then they head out for an interview hoping to make the final cut, and ulitmiately become the workplace version of "American Idol Employee." Take center stage, hear the roar of the crowd, see the paystub with their name on it, slide into their new leather chair behind their new mahogany desk.
Unfortunately, some workplaces more closely resemble "Survivor -- Workplace." When the employee shows up on the first day, the job they interviewed for has changed and the manager they interviewed with has moved on. The co-workers who were friendly in the interview are now suspicious of their ambition and fear their credentials. The new employee is either ignored, tolerated, or fed misinformation.
If you have to work at all, it makes sense to work smart! That means that you choose the job, the company, the hours, the terms. Sound impossible? Well, if you work for someone else, at some point you are going to voluntarily sign on the dotted line and agree to whatever was said (promised, written) in the interview and your offer letter. So, be smart about it and choose well.

If you work for yourself, you have more freedom to choose, but you still will sign a contract, agreement, or proposal promising to show up at the company or client's place of business, or deliver a product at some point in time. Either way, there is an agreement to deliver something and you have a chance to name the terms, the place, the timing and the compensation. Again, choose well, because you are committing precious time that could be used doing something else (and possibly more fun, challenging and lucrative).

This blog will discuss all aspects of what we call "working" and propose ways to work smart. We all know how to work hard, put in long hours, be productive. But are we working smart -- leveraging our days on the job to that next level, more recognition, building that resume, enjoying more free time and control of our life on the job? Or maybe just chukking it all and going on your own. I'll share my experiences, trials, tribulations, elations, triumphs and lessons learned. Share yours with me.

As I travel around the country consulting, training, writing and speaking, I am struck by the attitude of so many workers, regardless of the level -- boredom, stressed out, angry, negative, just "hanging on". There are some bright spots, someone who has found a way to make work interesting or bearable until they can leave at the end of the day and get on with their real life. Work should be real life, too -- fun, engaging, positive, rewarding, challenging, creative.

What makes you jump out of bed every morning and get to work (hopefully on time). Other than having to pay the bills, what is it about your job makes you (or you wish it would) willingly spend most of your waking hours four or five days a week working? What issues would you like to discuss? Have answers to? Log on to see what creative ways people are learning to work smart, join me in my travels, and find out who out there is really taking care of the customer.

Mary N-H

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